
(850) 595 – 5780


Stacey graduated from Florida State University with a BA and earned my MBA at the University of West Florida. She has served as the Executive Director at Gulf Coast Kid’s House since 2010. During her time at GCKH, she has led a $1.5 million capital campaign and expanded programs offered at GCKH. Her heart has always been with not-for-profit organizations. Stacey is currently a member of Impact 100, the Pensacola Women’s Alliance, and Cordova Rotary. She serves on the board of the Florida Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers, a statewide membership organization representing all the children’s advocacy centers in Florida. She also serves on the Pensacola State College Nonprofit Center for Excellence Advisory Committee and the University of West Florida MBA Advisory Council. She has been happily married to her husband, George, since 2013 and they have two adorable kittens, Jack and Sadie.