Using Strategic Marketing to Build Relationships

Trainer: Dr. Sherry Hartnett

August 3, 2023 8:00 AM to Noon CST


1/2 day morning workshop


Pensacola State College

1000 College Blvd.

Pensacola, FL 32504-8998

Nonprofit Center Annex

Florida Power & Light Nonprofit Center Training Room


Key Learning Gains: participants will receive for this course:

  • Best practices for online marketing including email campaigns and social media marketing
  • How to develop a digital communication strategy
  • Develop an action plan for stewarding the relationship you secure through continued communication
  • Direct mail practices
  • Return on marketing (how to measure response rate, what is good/bad)
  • Effective storytelling by outlet
  • Cost considerations
  • Sample marketing plans and templates you can use