Pensacola State College and the Gulf Power Company have been serving Northwest Florida for generations now. And each of the powerful institutions is committed to ensuring the region’s growth and success for generations to come.
On Friday, Nov. 13, the Gulf Power Foundation presented a $30,000 check to the Pensacola State College Foundation that is just part of the company’s pledge contribution to the PSC Nonprofit Center for Excellence and Philanthropy, a training center for area nonprofit organizations.
The check was the third $30,000 payment of Gulf Power’s $150,000 commitment to the Nonprofit Center, which was established in 2019. The company has pledged to contribute $60,000 more to the Center over the next two years.
“We love Gulf Power,” said Andrea Krieger, PSC Executive Director of Institutional Development. “We both (PSC and Gulf Power) believe that we’re for the community.”
Rick Byars, Gulf Power Regional Manager of External Affairs, said the company has long been a Pensacola State partner and that the Nonprofit Center for Excellence and Philanthropy is an important venture that helps support critical nonprofit organizations in the region.
“We’ve always supported PSC’s workforce education and training,” he said. “This is just another great example of PSC and Gulf Power working together to better the community.”