Q: How many courses are covered through the certification program?
A: For those in the Organizational Excellence or Core Competencies program, all full-day courses, lunch and learns, expert panels, and in-person subject matter certificate courses will be included in your payment to enroll.
Q: Who from my organization can attend? Does it have to be the same person at each training?
A: For those enrolled in the Core Competencies program, any one member of their staff can attend each training, it doesn’t have to be the same person each time. For those enrolled in the Organizational Excellence program, any four members of their staff can attend each training, it does not have to be the same people or all four people each time.
Q: Are there specific qualifications for certification scholarships?
A: Applicants should mark their desire to receive a scholarship on their certification application. They will be competing for scholarships with other nonprofits, so they should write a compelling narrative of why they are deserving of a scholarship and how they will use the certification program to benefit their organization and ultimately their clients.
Q: After paying for the cost of certification, are there any additional costs my organization will incur?
A: At the $2,500 and $500 level, the only additional training costs would be for virtual subject matter certification courses or additional seats at trainings beyond your program’s cap of either 1 or 4.
Q: What happens if I or someone from my organization can’t attend one of the required workshops?
A: You would need to complete the required workshop in a subsequent year before you could receive your certification.
Q: If I pass my certification portfolio submissions but not the certification exam, what do I do?
A: If a participant fails the exam or any portion of the 7 portfolio components (but attended) they will have to pay $40/per section to retake/resubmit. If a participant fails the certification course because they did not submit their documents for any of the 7 portfolio components, they must pay the portion they missed at $180/per section. If only a redo of the exam is necessary, it will be $50/per retake. If a nonprofit is missing a component of their portfolio, the cost is $100/per component to resubmit.